Friday, May 22, 2009

Abuse in the marriage.

As salaamu alaikum,

This is something that has been coming up alot when I google certain things pertaining to women in Islam on my computer. I've read that many women are being abused by their husbands mentally. physically, and emotionally in their marriages. What also surprised me is that in some instances these sisters are being abused mentally and emotionally by their mother in laws as well as other family members that live in the house. As Muslims is it right for us to just turn the other cheek when this is happening it seems like right under our noses. Abuse is tearing apart marriages as well as muslim families. I've known too many women that have gone through domestic violence and this is something that has to be stopped, Muslim or NOT!!

I have copied a link for anyone who takes a look at this post



  1. Salaam sister. Yes this is all too real. Thank you for your duas. Luckily, my own physical abuse ended 2 years ago. Love you so much for writing this.

  2. Salaam My sisters in Islam. First of all it is very disgusting to hear that any man regardless of religion would take the cowardly way out by hitting a women .Its even worst when its a muslim brother. The problem that I see is you have a whole lot of brothers and unfortunately some sisters that have this theory of "his-slam and her-slam" meaning that they will set there own rules or Edit there Islam. Men have serious egos and they let there egos influence there judgement as well as the listening of the Shaytan( May Allah continue to curse him)
