Friday, May 22, 2009

Abuse in the marriage.

As salaamu alaikum,

This is something that has been coming up alot when I google certain things pertaining to women in Islam on my computer. I've read that many women are being abused by their husbands mentally. physically, and emotionally in their marriages. What also surprised me is that in some instances these sisters are being abused mentally and emotionally by their mother in laws as well as other family members that live in the house. As Muslims is it right for us to just turn the other cheek when this is happening it seems like right under our noses. Abuse is tearing apart marriages as well as muslim families. I've known too many women that have gone through domestic violence and this is something that has to be stopped, Muslim or NOT!!

I have copied a link for anyone who takes a look at this post


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sorry, that's not the way it works!!

Salaamz sisters,

What does everyone think about the Muslim men out there that think that a sister should be the one courting them for marriage instead of the other way around. I've heard such stories about brothers that want the sister to pine after them. How about the brother that doesn't even want to get intended they just want to hop straight into a marriage for their own selfish reasons i.e. (fornication). Not to say that sisters don't do this as well. I've heard so many stories of brothers that take advantage of new Muslimahs just because they may not know their rights or how marriage works in Islam. There are so many other examples out there as well and I'd love to hear them.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tight jeans and a Khimar?

As salaamu alaikum,

I have been caught doing this wearing my not so loose jeans with a khimar just to get out the door to take the kids to daycare/school. But lately on the train I've been seeing a lot of Muslimahs rocking jeans so tight that they look as though they can't sit down or their jeans will split or like they can't breathe.

What does everyone think about it?


Saturday, May 9, 2009

As Salaamu Alaikum

As Salaamu Alaikum to all. I have started this blog so that sisters all over not only New York can come together and be friends/sisters and share in this Deen. In my experience over the past 5 years since I have converted I've seen first hand how hard it can be to connect with other sisters for many different reasons. I know how hard it is to be a new convert/revert in Islam with no where to really go for information or even just to have a friend to ask questions and talk to about things not just Islam, life in general. Its taken me a while but Alhumdulilah I've done it!! I have finally started a blog for sisters all over the world not just Muslimahs to connect.

Since this is sort of like an introduction post, can everyone just tell us a little bit about your experiences.
